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Innovative drivers of sustainable development

The Up-Scaling programme of DEG, the German development finance institution

Private-sector development

“The right balance”

Innovative start-ups make a difference in Africa, but on their own they cannot generate enough jobs

Rural youth

Clearing the jobs hurdle

What helps Africa’s growing, youthful population find productive jobs in rural areas

Social entrepreneur

Enlightening the young generation

In spite of financial constraints, Frank Masanta is running the school for disadvantaged children in Lusaka, Zambia


A weakened fight against AIDS

Zimbabwe’s effort to fight HIV/AIDS is suffering major setbacks due to a worsening economy

Security policy

The long road towards a shared EU army

If the EU had its own army, it could also have a military role in the world


Ex-dictator sentenced to death

Why former dictator Musharraf’s recent conviction of high treason in Pakistan is indeed a historic judgment

Makeshift housing

Informal refugee settlements

Syrians living in Lebanon’s informal refugee settlements lack proper infrastructure

Violence against women

Wheels of justice

Malawi police move deliberately to investigate officers accused of rape

Refugee camps

Infrastructure reflects status

Infrastructure is also a question of integration as can be seen by the refugee camps in Lebanon

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