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Minors in prison

Finding a path to freedom

Prison authorities in Burundi grapple with the special needs of young inmates

Humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen

IRC: More money and peace talks needed for Yemen

Humanitarian agencies demand more money for Yemen – as well as serious peace efforts

Informal settlements

Living on the edge

Residents of Malawi’s slums face dire conditions with little hope of improvement

Building bridges

Why diaspora communities are powerful development actors

In countries of residence as well as origin, policymakers should engage with migrant communities


Fundamental change needed to overcome inequality

To enable everyone to live a good life, Oxfam demands social and environmental justice

Special interests

The public good must not be left to powerful billionaires

Beware of plutocrats’ self-interest, even when they engage in philanthropy


Covid-19 vaccines: we must not lose more time

People in all countries must be inoculated against coronavirus as soon as possible

Health hazards

In Pakistan, toxins put the poor particularly at risk

Pakistan’s laws to control chemical pollution are hardly enforced


Full classes despite Corona

Burundi’s schools stay open during pandemic, keeping a distance is not mandatory


Highs and lows of immigrant life in Germany

Three immigrants in Frankfurt tell their story

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