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Keeping girls in school

Mother groups’ in Malawi’s schools help to prevent girls from dropping out


The merits of studying abroad

Foreign graduates of German universities help to build bridges between cultures

Human rights

Refugee suffering in Bay of Bengal and Mediterranean

Following EU example, Bangladesh is banning refugees to a remote island

School quality

Nepal’s deep educational divides

Rural and state-run schools in Nepal must catch up with urban and private ones

Refugee camps

Protecting life and limb

Refugees in Kakuma and other camps face daily threats to their personal safety


How to erode people’s trust during a pandemic

A second East-African president has suddenly died, and rumours abound about Covid-19 being the cause

Our view

Literacy empowers, so schools must do a good job

More than ever, people must be able to read and write

Digital divide

National broadband plans for faster, affordable internet

National broadband plans are crucial for network coverage and affordable internet access


Initiatives that help refugee children

How some refugee camps manage to provide educational opportunities

Refugee education

Too many camps do not have schools

Refugees are far too often denied their right to education and literacy training

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