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Economic growth

Private sector crucial to Millennium successes

For a successful poverty reduction and climate protection the private sector is required – urgently

Municipal cooperation

Grassroots of democracy

Development policy needs local partners

Private sector

Building peace

A strong private sector makes lasting peace more likely

Democracy and human rights

Include the indigenous

Perus economy is growing, while ecological aspects are neglected. This affects especially indigenous people


“Hunger can be halved by 2015”

German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development is about to formulate a follow-up strategy for the MDGs for the years until 2030

Individual accountability

Emergency relief or a new beginning?

Development agencies must emphasise democracy, markets and individual responsibilty

Rapid appraisal

Where we are

Rapid appraisal of Millennium Development Goals

Industrial competitiveness

“Consider going local”

Indian companies innovate products poor people can afford


On the run

Displaced persons in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

World affairs

Urgent issues

Jens Martens of the Global Policy Forum Europe wants new mulitlateral goals for policymakers

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