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In brief

Unrest in South Sudan, Nelson Mandela memorial, Gerd Müller is the new BMZ leader and ICC eases pressure on Kenyatta


From zero to one hundred

In recent years, South Sudan’s capital Juba has grown rapidly

Op-ed voices

Dimensions of crisis

Op-ed voices on the Central African Republic’s crisis


Global benefits, national motives

Why Bangladesh sends troops on UN missions and how the world benefits from such engagement

World Bank

Social inclusion

World Bank study calls for social inclusion and proposes meaningful measures

Conflict regions

Women for peace

According to the OECD, gender relations must be addressed in fragile states because statebuilding and equal rights go hand-in-hand

Social protection

Elderly left alone

In Liberia, many old people have not enough to live on, especially disabled civil-war veterans.


Nowadays: Behind the times

West Bengal's state government mistakenly considers bicycles a major traffic problem

Legal pluralism

An intercultural model

Bolivia’s pluralist justice system combines state and indigenous law


Removing Gaddafi from schoolbooks

In post-revolution Libya, schools are using drastically different history books

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.