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Stateless and without rights

Many ethnic minorities in Thailand are stateless and thereby without rights

Pamoja Dance Group

A sad tale about elephants

Nairobi’s Pamoja Dance Group stages an environmental and social drama to raise awareness of elephant poaching


A hard life in the desert

In Western Sahara, many people, including children, lose limbs because of landmines and cluster munition

Rule of law

“Incidents must be investigated”

Why the Philippines’ Jane and Joe Doe laws must be abolished

Civil war

Invisible victims

Exiled Syrians help fellow citizens in Jordan in private rehabilitation centres

Gender Equality

Unspeakable phenomenon

In Libya, domestic violence is not talked about


Ebola, the new enemy

In west African post-conflict countries, Ebola is the new killer


Comfortable among the people

Why Indonesians chose Joko Widodo to be their president


Rushing to southern clinics

Why Kolkatans spend entire days on trains to see a doctor


In brief

The Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety, the announcment of a New Development Bank and the recount of votes in Afghanistans' Presidental election

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.