Fragile states

New spaces of violence in ungoverned places

Scholars assess organised violence in different forms and places


Changing social norms

The non-governmental organisation Bangr Nooma is fighting female genital mutilation in Burkina Faso

Female Genital Mutilation

100 million women affected

Women in sub-Saharan Africa are especially affected by female genital mutilation

When elections cause more problems than they solve

Institutions matter at least as much as votes

Primary schools

High on the agenda

The UN and the German government want more to happen in support of education


Digitalisation revolutionises work

Human Development Report 2015 calls for equitable and decent work for all

Civil war

High expectations for peace

Implementation of the peace deal in South Sudan is imminent


Apple tree versus tanks

School exchange programmes: German–Palestinian partnership during the Middle East conflict


Partnering with a Palestinian school

Hand in hand with school children in Bethlehem: the value of school partnering


Halfway there

UNAIDS reports major success in global fight against HIV/AIDS and wants to stop epidemic by 2030

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