Health care

Zika and pharma research

Zika proves we need publicly funded pharma research


Neglected heritage

What people should know about Islam’s pluralistic legacy

Russia and Saudi Arabia have a lot in common

Two desperate regimes benefit from Syrian turmoil

Religious customs

Hijab debates on Facebook

Wearing a veil is a big debate for Egypt’s women – also on social media

Immigration to the United States

A journey fraught with danger

Contradictory migration policies of the United States and Mexico

Can progress be bad?

Report of Survival International reveals many drawbacks indigenous people are exposed to

Urban environment

No car is clean

Taking half the cars off the road in Delhi helps to reduce air pollution

Health care

Serving the poor

A doctor in northern Ghana gives free medical care to the destitute

European Union

At rock bottom

Human-rights organisation Pro Asyl calls for a reorganisation of the protection for refugees in Europe

European Union

Dead refugees

Far too many refugees died when they tried to reach Europe to seek asylum

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