
Programmes for the poorest of the poor

To eradicate extreme poverty the ultra-poor need to be reached

Venezuela is in a depressing state

President Maduro is not a prudent and responsible statesman

African reality

Vision 2030

Zambia’s government has committed to the SDGs, but they will most likely prove quite difficult to achieve

“The oceans are rising, and so are we”

International marches show new pattern of international civil-society activism


Nobody is above the law

Politicians in Tanzania often think that laws don’t apply to them

Social insurance

Universal health-care coverage is feasible

Social health insurance means that people pay according to their ability and everyone gets the services they need

Identity politics

Lip service to the SDGs

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi insists that his government is setting an example of good governance, but not everyone agrees

Human-made catastrophes

Dangerous hunger

Worsening food insecurity in East and Central Africa is an issue of global relevance


Building greening economies

Africa’s private sector must drive transformation to sustainability, but global cooperation is needed too


Fuel smuggling

Smuggling fuel from Nigeria is a frequent crime in Togo

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