
The path has been cleared for Hun Sen

Ahead of general elections, Cambodia’s government has eliminated the opposition

Tax agreements

The true price of management fees

How a country’s tax base can be eroded by tax treaties

Global development

Ways in which the world has recently been getting better

Reasons to be optimistic about global development

Public finance

Incentives to become formal

Even if rates are kept low, more formal businesses will mean more tax revenue in Benin


Refugee child mothers with AIDS

Many underage refugee women in Zimbabwe suffer from HIV/AIDS due to sexual abuse

National revenue services

Broaden the base; close loopholes

GIZ adviser warns that tax exemptions often do not lead to the desired results

Reasons for trusting D+C in the era of “fake news”

Our contributors’ network is large, and does not add up to an echo chamber

Neglected tropical diseases

Networking instead of silo mentality

The world needs to work together to beat neglected tropical diseases for good

Arab countries

Tunisia’s history of intellectual excellence

To what extent is Tunisian democracy a model for North Africa and the Middle East?

International relations

Gaining from closeness to China

The relationship between Malawi and China is getting stronger

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