Public health

A daunting challenge

In fighting cancer, awareness raising is an important first step


Unaffordable treatment

Because of poverty, fear, ignorance and taboos, cancer is normally diagnosed late in Benin


More than 50 % below the market price

Dialysis saves the lives of people who suffer kidney failure - so it must be made affordable

Non-communicable diseases

A global problem

In order for health alliances to succeed, they must avoid conflicts of interest between NGOs and the pharmaceutical industry

Why NCDs matter in the fight against poverty

Cancer, diabetes and hypertension affect masses of people in developing countries

High blood pressure

A social divide

In Nigeria, the poor tend to ignore the early symptoms of hypertension that must be taken seriously

It was high time for Zuma to go

The ANC is deeply split – but that can be read as healthy sign of inner-party democracy

Neglected tropical diseases

“Major obstacle for development”

Ending neglected tropical diseases is crucial to achieve 2030 Agenda

Global governance

Taxes serve SDG achievement

To achieve the SDGs, tax policies must be drafted prudently – and global coordination would make sense

Why I feel ambivalent about Kagame’s AU chairmanship

The AU should insist on democratic principles the way ECOWAS does

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