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Climate of fear and violence

Honduras is among the most dangerous countries that are not currently at war


Hoping for a better future

Poverty, crime and poor governance are causing people to flee in droves from Honduras


Tribal conflicts threaten women

Women in Papua New Guinea are hard-hit by tribal wars

EU policy

“The flow has not stopped”

Agadez in Niger is a transit hub for many African refugees – both on the way north and on the way back

Refugees in Lebanon

Poverty and a lack of rights

Lebanon has taken in over a million refugees and is struggling with many problems


How to contain superbugs

The escalating global crisis of drug-resistant diseases requires a global response


Political and economic profile of Malawi

Weak institutions are the main cause of Malawi’s persisting poverty, and the next elections are unlikely to change much


Uganda’s open doors

Many South Sudanese escape the violence in their country by fleeing to Uganda

Informal livelihoods

The debate that never was

Unfortunately, Prime Minister Imran Khan fast watered down promise to grant citizenship to refugees born in Pakistan


“Refugees can make contributions to host communities”

Sussi Prapakranant of the Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN) explains the challenges of refugee politics in Southeast Asia

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.