Development and

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Elasticsearch Mini


Public transport

Deadly boats on Nile River

Using boats and ferries for public transport in Egypt is often dangerous


Bumpy road to development

Uganda’s poor road network is threatening regional trade and development

Medical services

Science-based clinic or witch doctor?

Benin's public health services are good, but too weak

Multilateral affairs

Missed opportunity

In the eyes of civil-society organisations, the UN conference on Financing for Development in Addis Ababa was a disappointment

Monetary union

Lessons not learned

Greece’s crisis reminds African observers of failed structural-adjustment programmes

Health care

Wormy water

Merck, the German pharma corporation, is contributing to the elimination of schistosomiasis

Health care

Transmission and implications of bilharzia

Transmission and impact of schistosomiasis


Innovations wanted

The EU’s global soft power hinges on its social model, which looks increasingly shaky to some observers

Hospital financing

Closing gaps in health care

A private hospital in Mozambique enhances public health care

Civil-society organisations

Talking to managers

NGOs report on their experiences of dealing with private-sector companies

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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.