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Poverty Reduction

Disasters waiting to happen

Failure to expand formal youth employment in Africa will mean more unrest, more migration, more crime and more religious extremism


Women want careers

Young Egyptian women do not accept traditional family roles


Still aspiring to ­change the world

Six years after the Arab spring, things look worse than ever to young Egyptians

International cooperation

Take agencies by their word

An international think tank wants aid recipients to be more assertive in relations with donor agencies

Global Governance

A paradigm change at the IMF?

IMF economomists worry about growing inequality


Women crushing stones

In order to survive, some women in South Sudan take to cracking stones

Global Governance

“Historically unprecedented”

Only international cooperation can prevent looming global disasters

Health supply chains

A STEP in the right direction

East African countries make efforts to improve health management


Needs-based care in disaster situations

Emergency kits help medical teams respond effectively in disaster situations and administer needs-based treatment later


Much needed injection of capital

If the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor works out well, it could jumpstart Pakistan’s economy

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