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Poverty Reduction
Oxfam scandal

#MeToo in the aid sector

The Oxfam scandal damages the image of the whole development work


Flushing out illegal farmers

The tobacco industry in Malawi uses first-line technology to detect fraud

Humanitarian aid

Wishes and visions

Providing adequate schooling and strengthening the global health systems are main tasks of international cooperation


Big Food causes suffering

Author accuses the food industry of making the poor sick

Child soldiers

Jobs instead of arms

The international community must end profiteering with child soldiers

Non-governmental organisations

Rising to a global health menace

NGO activism must drive whole-of-society response to non-communicable diseases

Letters to the editor

Issues that have contributed to African poverty

Readers respond to our D+C/E+Z print edition 2017/11-12

International law

Don’t let them off the hook

Quitting the ICC does not protect a country’s violent leadership from prosecution

Industrial policy

Pragmatism instead of ideology

State industrial policy should appropriately govern market processes

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