Water resources

Comprehensive strategy

Dealing with flood risks requires holistic approaches

International cooperation

Current MDG trends

Data from World Bank and UNDP show that, in spite of progress, the MDGs will not be met in 2015


Agents of change

Why investments in higher education drive change in developing countries


Better global governance

HLP report on post-2015 agenda is step towards more conclusive global governance

Expert opinion

Four norms

The UN experts' network SDSN demands global goals for sustainable development

Post-2015 debate

Promising foundation

Poverty and inequality are two huge challenges in post-2015 world

High-Level Panel report

New partnership

High-Level Panel calls for new global UN development agenda and an end to poverty by 2030


Shades of green

PEGNet 2013: Why green growth policy can be bad for poor people and how to avoid harm

World agenda

People’s goals

How we will make you listen – civil society from developing countries deserves more say in global affairs


Powering the transition

Supposedly green energy technologies can have detrimental side effects that need to be addressed

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