
Growth, equity and sustainability

As Asian growth picks up, equity and sustainability are major concerns

Global public goods

“Failure is not an option”

Philippines Senator assesses outlook for Paris climate summit in December

Public finance

Increasing debt problems

CSOs demand UN mechanism for solving debt crises


Tourism protects

Mountain gorillas are the only great apes whose numbers are growing

Great-ape tourism

The closer they get, the bigger the risk

Tens of thousands of people travel to Africa every year to see gorillas and chimps in the wild

Renewable energies

The global transition

Germany is leading the way to transition to renewable energy supply

Development finance

Raise the bar

Civil-society organisations blame international financial institutions for neglecting human rights abuses


People-friendly and environmentally acceptable

Where to get information about sustainable tourism and certificates

Potential of tourism

Sustainable and ­development-friendly

Tourism can be made sustainable if the industry respects local people and protects the environment

Tourism for development

Live elephants have to be worth more

Ecotourism in Africa promotes sustainable development and nature conservation

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