Nicaragua Canal

A violation of civil liberties

By building the Nicaragua Canal, Nicaragua’s government is ignoring the concerns of its own people

Nicaragua Canal

Citizen protests

Citizens directly affected by the construction of the Nicaragua Canal are fighting against the project


Pastoralists as stewards of the environment

In many parts of the world, livestock farming does no environmental damage; it actually helps conserve nature

Fighting poverty

Tackling social exclusion

ODI researchers assess impact of social protection programmes in South Asia


A trend towards ­organic fish

Organically farmed fish and other marine animals are becoming increasingly popular in Brazil

Meat production

When table and trough compete

Meat production can meet rising global demand in the long term – but only at excessive environmental and social costs

Energy-efficient buildings

China can save 40 % of its heating energy

In China, more and more houses are being made energy efficient – but 50 billion square metres of building area is a lot of ground to cover

Energy-efficient buildings

Learning from China

Knowledge and expertise relating to energy-efficient retrofitting can be applied to many countries if they scale back their energy subsidies

Global warming

Will the tide shift in Paris?

No matter what the results of the climate summit in Paris will be, humankind must adapt to global warming

Sustainable Development Goals

Speed, scale and mind shift

Bonn Conference for Global Transformation calls for a shift towards sustainability

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