Green power

Behind schedule

At current trends, India will not achieve important climate goals

Our view

The opportunity of crisis

Covid-19 has dramatically reduced energy consumption around the world, providing an opportunity for a rethink

Power shortages

When the lights go out

Power cuts hit Zambia’s economy hard

Energy policy

Water over the dam

Zambia’s dependence on hydropower is becoming increasingly problematic


Covid-19 as seen by World Bank board member

Covid-19 crisis provides clues on how global governance must improve

Vehicle tax

Fouling the air

Malawi is imposing a new tax on vehicles, saying the revenues will help to fight climate change


Facing down the armyworm pest

Zambia is debating ways to stop the annual invasion of armyworms that attack its staple crops

Trade and migration

Fighting the causes of flight

SWP report examines the links between trade policy and migration

Plastics ban

Finding alternatives

Rwanda is taking its ban on single-use plastic bags one big step further, to include most other types of single-use plastic products

Rural youth

Clearing the jobs hurdle

What helps Africa’s growing, youthful population find productive jobs in rural areas

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