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Online petition

Right to critical thought

It makes sense to use controversial political cartoons in school books


A major success

Steps in the right direction: UN principles designed to prevent land grabbing

Fragile statehood

Male violence

Male violence in fragile countries


The motive for the murder: hate of lesbians

Murderers of lesbian women get long prison sentences for hate crime in South Africa


Revolution without change of power

Egypt's revolution without change of power


Post-colonial authoritarianism

Binayak Sen is a post-colonial victim of a repressive law from India’s colonial past

Human rights

“We are not asking for sanctions”

Campaigning for the rights of homosexual Christians in Nigeria

Democracy and human rights

Include the indigenous

Perus economy is growing, while ecological aspects are neglected. This affects especially indigenous people

Human rights

Denial within one’s family

Many countries deny gay and lesbian people’s human rights


A right with no consequences

Water: A right with no consequences

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.