Development and

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Conflicts over natural resources

Myanmar’s new leadership has to confront a legacy of bad governance left behind by decades of military rule

European Op-Ed views

Realpolitik without enthusiasm

European newspaper comments on EU-Turkey agreement on refugee issues

The governments of South Africa and Brazil are in trouble

The governments of South Africa and Brazil are in trouble

Freedom of speech in India

More than an academic issue


Asian challenge

Bangladesh and other Asian countries must act to alleviate the plight of Rohingya refugees


Long-term effects of war

Survivors of Uganda’s civil war are still suffering

Global role model

Harmful competition

World Bank and AIIB must not only pay lip service to social and environmental standards

Forced displacement

“My home, my life”

The story of a South Sudanese woman who spent almost a lifetime in a refugee camp

Global role model

Rolling back protection

The World Bank plans to dilute its social and environmental standards

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