Landwirtschaft, ländliche Entwicklung

“Some moderation would be wise”

Why subsistance farmers should switch to commercial agriculture

Southern Africa

Setting an African example

Malawi’s president is proud of agricultural success

Agriculture in China

Feeding the masses

For 20 % of the world’s population, China has only 10 % of Earth’s arable land

Food security

Pre-programmed hunger

Food prices keeping rising


More money for small farmers

Small farmers benefit from export strategies geared to niche markets

Global warming

Agriculture at risk

Global warming is making agriculture more difficult in Zimbabwe

Food security

Educate farmers

Dispute over intensification of smallholders’ production


World Bank sees opportunities

World Bank considers foreign investors interest in African farmland an opportunity

Food security

A human-rights issue

Food security is a human-rights issue

Rural development

Protecting small farmers

Crop-insurance schemes make sense where there is sufficient data

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