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DR Congo

In run-up to elections, chaos looms once again in DR Congo

Credible and fair elections are needed, but look unlikely in view of political tensions in the DR Congo


To promote democracy, Biden should lead by example

Anti-democratic leaders must not be allowed to shine on White House’ digital stage

Backyard distilleries

Covid-19 crisis boosts thriving trade in moonshine

As bars closed in lockdown, illicit home-made alcohol filled market in Zimbabwe


A rising tide of hope

Zambia’s small businesses pin their hopes for growth on the new president

Rule of law

Prison sentence for business tycoon in Malawi

In terms of its constitutional role, Malawi’s judiciary is becoming increasingly assertive


Broken promises and western failure in Afghanistan

In regard to Afghanistan, Bush and Obama made three major mistakes

Zambia’s elections

A fragile democracy

Democracy in Zambia is taking a step backwards under the Lungu administration


Revisiting South Africa’s segregationist past

Apartheid was a racist system designed to keep people of different skin colour “apart” in South Africa.

Rainbow nation

Changing the conversation

Racial tensions haunt South Africa, impeding the country’s progress


Counterfeit medicines are very profitable for criminals

Hundreds of thousands of people die every year as a result of counterfeit medicines

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