Financial transparency

USA tops this year’s Financial Secrecy Index

According to the Tax Justice Network, G7 members are slowing down global progress regarding financial transparency

Development cooperation

The relentless global decay of democracy

A two-decade trend of autocratisation is eroding democratic principles worldwide. Providers of development cooperation should take notice.

Rule of law

Pakistan’s new prime minister faces huge challenges

With swift and decisive action, Pakistan’s Supreme Court has ended a constitutional crisis

Freedom of the press

Hundreds of journalists imprisoned

According to Reporters Without Borders, more media workers than ever before are in prison because of their work

Press freedom

Ghanaian journalists face a crackdown on free speech

Press freedom in Ghana is taking a step backwards, as journalists are being prosecuted under the criminal code


Zambia fights corruption

New government of Zambia assures that it wants to fight corruption and takes first measures

Development funding

Putting money in the right hands

Zambia’s Constituency Development Fund decentralises spending with mixed results

Fatal fires

When building regulations are not followed

Government officials pay too little attention to fire hazards in Nepal

Fire hazards

Nepal pays too little attention to fire hazards

Poor enforcement of building codes, inadequate zoning controls and deficient infrastructure add up to significant fire hazards in Nepal

Latin America

Winners on the left in Bolivia and Peru

The Andean countries’ new presidents face major domestic and economic problems

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