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New Federal Government

Several things to like

Two development scholars assess coalition agreement of Germany’s new federal government

The Sahel

Moving from crisis to dynamism on Sahara’s southern edges

Sahel countries, known mainly for many problems, must do their best to get a demographic dividend


To promote democracy, Biden should lead by example

Anti-democratic leaders must not be allowed to shine on White House’ digital stage

Agriculture and biodiversity

Tackling the global land-use trilemma

Protecting food security, biodiversity and climate requires new mindset everywhere


Biodiversity conservation areas need better funding

Humanity depends on a diverse natural world but many important conservation areas are underfunded, especially in developing countries

Borno state

Nigeria’s government wants to close IDP camps

In view of ongoing violence, displaced people in Borno state do not want to be sent home

Internal displacement

Internal displacement is a huge issue in Nigeria’s northeast

Multidimensional Lake Chad crisis has multiple impacts on Nigeria

Glasgow COP26

Climate crisis: 1.5° goal is alive, but comatose

COP26 decides to leave the most vulnerable people behind

Latin America

Why desperate Latin American risk dangerous journey north

South American migrants are fleeing to the US via Mexico in growing numbers


US democracy is still in danger

Today’s Republicans are either right-wing extremists or pander to them

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.