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Climate change

Building momentum

Why the Paris climate summit in December is likely to deliver more than the one in Copenhagen in 2009

Relevant reading

Economics beats politics

Relevant reading – who and what could drive climate protection forward

G7 summit

Climate wins

The G7 commit to tackle climate change and to support sustainable development

Energy transition

German responsibility

Friedrich Ebert Foundation wants Germany to share experience in energy efficiency and renewables

Energy supply

Great need – great potential

Private investors need appropriate business climate to build energy infrastructure in Africa

Energy-efficient buildings

China can save 40 % of its heating energy

In China, more and more houses are being made energy efficient – but 50 billion square metres of building area is a lot of ground to cover

Energy-efficient buildings

Learning from China

Knowledge and expertise relating to energy-efficient retrofitting can be applied to many countries if they scale back their energy subsidies

Global warming

Will the tide shift in Paris?

No matter what the results of the climate summit in Paris will be, humankind must adapt to global warming


Worse than a financial crisis

Why many climate negotiators feel frustrated

Energy supply

“We need  finance options”

Aware of climate change, African governments must still improve their country’s energy supply

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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.