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New islands for the rich

Though the sea level is set to rise, Lagos is growing out into the Atlantic Ocean

Nansen Initiative

The Nansen Initiative’s Protection Agenda

The Nansen Initiative’s Protection Agenda on what to do about disaster displacement

Global affairs

The needs of displaced persons

Forced displacement related to disasters is one of the great humanitarian challenges of the 21st century

Adapting to climate change

Valuable protection

The WAVE initiative calls attention to the value of ecosystem services that are provided by mangroves and coral reefs

Emergency relief

Save human lives

In East and Central Africa, millions of people are fleeing drought, hunger, terror and civil war

Adapting to climate change

The way forward

Bangladesh has made progress on adapting to climate change, but more must be done

Climate change

Predictable disasters

In Bangladesh, climate change is accelerating rural-urban migration


Fishermen versus oil giant

Seven years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, BP has still not compensated Mexican fishing communities


Saving the Mekong Delta

Climate change is threatening the livelihood of many people along Vietnam’s coast

Skills training

Empower India’s climate refugees

Skills training would help people from India’s Delta islands to cope with the impacts of global warming

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.