Capacity development
Network of universities in LDCs

A work plan was agreed in June. According to this document, LUCCC is designed to share knowledge, develop capacities, support policymakers and network universities. The consortium will tackle climate-relevant topics such as climate finance, coastal-zone adaptation and urban resilience. Particular attention will be paid to community-based adaptation. LUCCC is geared to long-term capacity building and climate education in line with Article 11 of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’s Paris Agreement.
LUCCC is a genuine south-south initiative. Membership is restricted to higher-learning institutions in LDCs. So far, the consortium is operating without donor support. Among the things LUCCC plans to do are:
running a visiting researchers’ programme,
developing and exchanging curricula and teaching tools,
launching a web portal and
extending the network to additional LDCs.
Should donor money become available, the scope of action would increase. Options include fellowship programmes, student exchange and joint research efforts or annual workshops, for example. Moreover, LUCCC could participate in global climate summits and other conferences with sufficient support.
Apart from IUB and Makerere, the founding members of LUCCC are:
- the Royal University of Bhutan,
- Pokhara University, Nepal,
- Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia,
- the University of Khartum, Sudan,
- the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania,
- Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique,
- the University of the Gambia and
- the University of Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal.
Least Developed Countries Universities Consortium on Climate Change (LUCCC):