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Capacity development

Network of universities in LDCs

Universities from least developing countries join forces to tackle global warming

The “little ice age” and Europe’s rise to global dominance

How a changing climate contributed to societal transformation in the 16th century

Least developed countries

“We don’t need donor money to forge ahead”

Bangladeshi scholar explains how to build climate-related capacities in least developed countries

Alliance 90/The Green Party

Venturing more sustainability

Greens want to drive forward climate-change mitigation and social justice worldwide


Focus on poverty reduction

SPD wants a life in dignity for every person in the world


Making a difference

CDU/CSU wants to focus future development policy more directly on key countries and key sectors

Human and animal health

The animals die first

Water and sanitation are crucial for human and animal health


Plenty of rain, but no water

Despite heavy rains, there is not enough water for Zimbabwe’s citizens

Global Governance

Setting the wrong example

Trump’s statement on Paris Agreement means renouncing claim to global leadership


Of using and owning

Conflicts concerning land are growing

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.