Development and


World Bank Report on work, social protection and taxes

State action to facilitate market dynamics

Social work

Four decades of charity

An Italian nun has spent all her life in Uganda helping people in need


Protecting the young against violence

Laws in Ghana are supposed to protect children against becoming victims of violence


Charcoal paying for education

A poor female charcoal-vendor in Uganda managed to send her children to university

Demographic change

Progress may not be sustained

Life expectancy has improved in Benin, but poverty remains a serious challenge


More must happen

Literacy rates have risen in sub-Saharan Africa, but reality is probably worse than official numbers suggest


One step forward, one step back

Zambia’s efforts to achieve the MDG goal of primary education has affected secondary education negatively


Endless strikes

In Togo, teachers often go on strike to demand better pay


Human trafficking

In Zambia’s rural areas, poor girls are often promised jobs in the city, and then sold by human traffickers

Expert discussion

Laying the basis for lasting peace

UN has shifted peacebuilding focus from international to local level

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