Development and


Emergency relief

“One of the greatest tragedies of our time”

Years of civil war have left South Sudan’s citizens with hunger and displacement


Driving wealth and development

Quality and not quantity matters for education


Healthy change

How Bangladesh reduced the average number of children per woman to a mere 2.1

Syrian refugee children

Urgent need for action

Syrian refugee children are exposed to many stress factors that can lead to permanent health problems

Formative years

Privileged, yet stressed out

Obesity and the pressure to perform in school haunt India’s middle-class youth

Child labour

Stolen childhood

Because of the civil war and poverty, Syrian children must do adults’ work

School feeding

Contribution to nutrition security

Schools are serving healthy food from local suppliers

School feeding

A shared morning meal

School feeding helps pupils focus on their lessons in Cambodia


Digital childhood

According to UNICEF, children today are digital natives, and the internet is their second home

Financing of terrorism

Dangerous cash flow

How so-called Sharia states influence the west through business and finance the export of their radical ideologies

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