Development and



Democratic uprising

Europe must support democratic uprising in the Arab world


“A new sense of purpose”

An eyewitness report of revolution on Cairo’s Tahrir Square

Protests in the Arab World

Holiday paradise and police state

Why Ben Ali fell and the West is not in favour in Tunisia

Unrest in Egypt

Role model Erdogan

Turkey under Erdogan could serve as an example to Arab countries – but Europe failed to embrace him


Post-colonial authoritarianism

Binayak Sen is a post-colonial victim of a repressive law from India’s colonial past


Reconstruct African governance

Gbagbo must not be allowed to prevail, but Cote d'Ivoire’s crisis is about more than only big-man politics

Human rights

“We are not asking for sanctions”

Campaigning for the rights of homosexual Christians in Nigeria

Press clippings

Lost credibility

International media on elections in Haiti: Lost credibility


“Step in the right direction”

What remains to be done after the climate summit in Cancún


Moving forward on biodiversity

CBD members agree Nagoya Protocol on access to genetical resources

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