Development and


Bitter Rivals

The people’s choice

Three weeks after the elections, Kenyans still do not know whether Uhuru Kenyatta will be their president

Catholic Church

Italian Argentinian

The new pope must do more than pray for the poor and remind the public of their plight

Trade union

No Revolution

Foxconn to improve workers’ representation a bit, but labour relations in China will not change dramatically


Transparency is feasible

Transparency International assesses 82 governments’ defence-related corruption risks for the first time

Local government

“More generous than you would think”

Participatory budgeting is about every voice being heard


Constant controversy

China's authoritarian approach to devolution proves that citizens' desires ultimately do matter


Françafrique à la Hollande

Mali needs more than military assistance, and nation-building is a long-term affair


“Joint effort”

With support from Germany, Salvador da Bahia is preparing to host FIFA World Cup games in 2014


Specific business models

All dimensions of unspectacular, conventional banking are needed to drive development

Arab spring

“Jobs are hard to find”

An eyewitness assesses Egypt's situation two years after the uprising against Hosni Mubarak: "Tough and confusing times"

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