Development and


Municipal climate partnership

Renewable energy for Nicaragua

Bielefeld is supporting climate-relevant projects in its Nicaraguan twin city Estelí


Militarily relevant

Civil-society activists in India do not believe nuclear power serves their country well

Civil war

Anti-Muslim pogroms

In the Central African Republic, the international community is countenancing anti-Muslim pogroms


Public responses

D+C/E+Z Feedback from our readers

Constitutional crisis

A role for civil society

Thailand's election has not solved any of the country's urgent problems

Germany’s Federal Government

“Humanity’s common future”

Gerd Müller, Germany’s new federal minister for economic cooperation and development, spells out the fundamentals of his policies

World Wide Web

Dramatic implications

There still is a “digital divide”, but it is not as destructive as expected a decade ago

Urban marginalisation

The favela reporter

Interview with Michel Silva, a blogger who writes about daily life in his favela in Rio

Global governance

“Investigate internationally”

Erik Solheim of the OECD wants rich nations to step up the fight against illicit financial flows


Pledging allegiance

Egypt’s constitutional referendum was merely a triumph of counter-revolution

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