Development and



Women’s lost right

Another setback for Chile’s women’s fight for the right to therapeutic abortion


New silk road

Welcome China’s international infrastructure ambitions and discourage sabre-rattling


Concern for victims

Islamists benefit from old anti-colonial sentiments

Mulitlateral institutions

The IMF we know

The IMF is deeply involved in inner-European affairs

Political violence

Hard times

Terrorism is undermining Tunisia


Clashing ideologies

Bangladesh’s crisis of civil liberties and human rights

Multilateral affairs

Missed opportunity

In the eyes of civil-society organisations, the UN conference on Financing for Development in Addis Ababa was a disappointment

Monetary union

Lessons not learned

Greece’s crisis reminds African observers of failed structural-adjustment programmes


Innovations wanted

The EU’s global soft power hinges on its social model, which looks increasingly shaky to some observers

After the elections

Testing times for Turkish democracy

What lies ahead for the AKP in Turkey after the election losses?

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