
One voice

The EU remains a global model of peacebuilding and supranational policy-making


Media freedom in decline

Ethiopian citizens suffer from state repression

Ebola epidemic

New challenges

Margret Gieraths-Nimene heads a clinic for less fortunate in Monrovia and set up two Ebola isolation units last summer


Life-blood of democracy

India’s government should improve governance instead of hounding civil society


Clashes within civilisations

Islamist terrorism is an expression of clashes within civilisations, not between them


Made by human beings

Textiles and garment production prove that globalisation can and must be regulated

Middle east

Sovereign action

German law professor assesses what Palestinian Territories’ accession to ICC means and what Israel’s reaction implies

Labour relations

“Enforce the law”

Bangladeshi labour leader demands that laws be enforced

Economic history

Early industrialisation

Low-wage exploitation in garment production is made possible by rural poverty, among other things

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