Free trade

Better without the TPP

Opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is growing


“Pool and share knowledge”

The role of the Asian Development Bank and other IFIs in the eyes of Germany’s BMZ

World economy

Cooperation beats confrontation

In times of financial distress, countries are likely to ask for support from both established and new IFIs

Health care

Zika and pharma research

Zika proves we need publicly funded pharma research

Urban environment

No car is clean

Taking half the cars off the road in Delhi helps to reduce air pollution

Middle East

Scrambling against decline

Saudi Arabia’s anti-Iran stance looks desperate

European Union

Sealing Europe off is no solution

Unless the EU respects human rights in the refugee crisis, its international credibility will be further eroded


A pan-regional crisis

Regional and international governments must put pressure on President Nkurunziza to solve Burundi’s troubles

European Union

Ostrich policy

Africans find the distinction between political and economic refugees absurd

Primary schools

High on the agenda

The UN and the German government want more to happen in support of education

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