
Praise individuals, not the trend

The growing influence of philanthropy in public affairs is worrisome

Fundamentalist ideologies

Competing Islamisms

Ideological differences contribute to current tensions between Qatar and Saudi Arabia


From 21st century socialism to dictatorship

Why Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro wants a new constitution

Letter to the editor

Marshall Plan with Africa must succeed

African SMEs need better financial services and more competent vocational training, and Germany can help

Land policy

How to ease tensions in Sierra Leone

In Sierra Leone, too many farmers have lost their fields as a consequence of large-scale international investments

Civil society

Relevant players

Report offers insights into developmental role of German foundations, but does not provide real overview


Water transition

Sustainable use of water is a global responsibility

Official development assistance

A matter of enlightened self-interest

US-President Donald Trump`s budget plans for 2018 are alarming: he wants to slash official development assistance

Supporting civil society

Making democratic principles tangible

Shrinking spaces call for new support strategies

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