
Making a difference

CDU/CSU wants to focus future development policy more directly on key countries and key sectors

Right-wing populism

Demonising others

Post-truth populists show no respect for facts and want everyone to believe that public opinion matters more than empirical reality

Saudi Arabia

How much reform can the kingdom take?

King Salman of Saudi Arabia announced a comprehensive reform programme, whether it will go smoothly is doubtful


Unfinished business

There needs to be societal change to prevent unwanted pregnancies and promote female equality


The ANC’s real crisis

The ANC’s big problem is that it has not brought about the social change it promised in the anti-Apartheid struggle


Pakistan needs jobs

Reasons to doubt the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will massively boost employment in Pakistan

Surrogate motherhood

Anonymity is problematic

Surrogate mothers have no rights if surrogacy is illegal

Global Governance

Setting the wrong example

Trump’s statement on Paris Agreement means renouncing claim to global leadership


Of using and owning

Conflicts concerning land are growing


No development without tax revenue

A new partnership with Africa to improve domestic resource mobilisation

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