Development and



Modi won, but no longer looks invincible

Because masses of India’s left-behind people voted against the incumbent government, its leading party, the Hindu-supremacist BJP, now depends on allies, no longer enjoying a parliamentary majority of its own.

Development finance

How IDA needs to be reformed

The World Bank has enabled a dramatic reduction in extreme poverty. However, this masks a divergence between stable and fragile countries.


Why prominent Israeli scholar wants Germany to confront Netanyahu

According to Moshe Zimmermann, extremists on both sides have been obstructing the peace process in the Near East for a long time


Giving back stories

African oral tradition dates back to ancient times. Some of its stories were committed to paper, mainly by missionaries. But if they were published, they were published in Europe – hardly ever in their countries of origin.

Elected government

The double message of Diomaye’s election victory in Senegal

The West African country’s democracy is alive, but Senegal’s citizens evidently resent western influence

Our View

Why the unconvincing BRICS+ alliance looks so formidable

Because governments of – and people in – developing countries have lost faith in the G7, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa plus some newcomers can claim to speak for the so-called “Global South”

Development cooperation

Aid is problematic, but indispensable

Official development assistance has risen to record levels, but aid flows still often fail to deliver the intended results

Israel and Palestine

„This is rich coming from an Israeli leader“

Prominent Jews disagree with Israel’s government when it blames on antisemitism that the ICC is considering an arrest warrant against Netanyahu or that Spain, Ireland and Norway will recognise the state of Palestine.

Identity politics

Why the acronym BIPoC does not have to explain anything

The acronym “BIPoC” is a self-designation that symbolises solidarity between people who have experienced racial discrimination. The term is not suitable for categorising social contexts or specific people.

Social disparities

India’s tiny plutocratic elite is growing fast

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has delivered pro-rich growth

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