Oxfam scandal

#MeToo in the aid sector

The Oxfam scandal damages the image of the whole development work

High blood pressure

A social divide

In Nigeria, the poor tend to ignore the early symptoms of hypertension that must be taken seriously

Humanitarian aid

Wishes and visions

Providing adequate schooling and strengthening the global health systems are main tasks of international cooperation

Our view

By force or by consensus

Why military power had better be restrained by civilian governments

Civil society

Third point of view

Young people and women protests against the Islamic Republic

G5 Sahel Joint Force

Pulling together

The many military missions attempting to bring stability to West Africa are being hindered by a marked lack of coordination

Child soldiers

Jobs instead of arms

The international community must end profiteering with child soldiers


High-risk balancing act

President Joko Widodo wants the military to do more than protect Indonesia from external threats

Letters to the editor

Issues that have contributed to African poverty

Readers respond to our D+C/E+Z print edition 2017/11-12


No transparency

The presidential election has only aggravated Honduras’ crisis

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