Development and

Ernährung, Hunger

International cooperation

In a time of disruption, we still have prospects

International donors are withdrawing, and nationalism has more momentum than multilateralism. What will the consequences be? A look into the future of development financing with Achim Steiner.


Why farms should opt for multiple benefit strategies

The usefulness of any plot increases the more purposes it serves

Plant-genetic resources

Many crops are neglected in spite of being vitally important

Traditional landraces are nutritious, resilient and indispensable for the food security of poor communities.

Religion and sustainability

The sacred forests of Ethiopia

The church forests of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (EOTC) are a remarkable example of environmental conservation upheld through spiritual reverence, indigenous knowledge and traditional beliefs.

Rural development

Africa must move on from subsistence farming

For too long, sub-Saharan governments have seen farming as something poor villagers do to feed themselves and their families.

Hunger crisis

Zimbabwe’s malnutrition crisis worsens under El Niño drought

El Niño-induced drought has faced Zimbabwe with a malnutrition crisis, leaving thousands of children at risk of hunger and starvation. UNICEF warns of severe food poverty and educational disruption for millions of learners.

Conflict region

Coping with strife, climate impacts and a broken economy

Eco-friendly farming can put grassroots communities in the DRC in a better position to ensure their own food security.

Rural infrastructure

Pakistan’s rural infrastructure is inadequate

Rural communities generally lack good public services and have too few economic opportunities. The climate crisis is compounding problems.

Zero hunger

The Global NARS Consortium’s revolutionary approach to food security

How developing countries’ national agricutultural research systems will become stronger.

Dalit kitchen

A cookbook reveals the connection of diet and tradition

Shahu Patole’s book “Dalit Kitchens of Marathwada” highlights the rich culinary traditions of marginalised Dalit communities in Maharashtra, using food as a lens to explore caste, identity, and resilience in the face of historical discrimination.

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