Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Deutschlands
Islamic welfare

Overcoming ­reservations

International NGOs should cooperate more with Islamic aid organisations

International cooperation

Exporting the Energiewende

Germany wants other countries to follow its progressive energy policy – and could do more in their support

Energy transition

German responsibility

Friedrich Ebert Foundation wants Germany to share experience in energy efficiency and renewables

Energy-efficient buildings

China can save 40 % of its heating energy

In China, more and more houses are being made energy efficient – but 50 billion square metres of building area is a lot of ground to cover

Energy-efficient buildings

Learning from China

Knowledge and expertise relating to energy-efficient retrofitting can be applied to many countries if they scale back their energy subsidies

Private sector

Coherent business promotion

GIZ and German chamber of commerce cooperate closely in Maputo


Stay in touch

For the last time, our monthly magazine has gone to press

Disability and inclusion

“Blind people have little hope of finding a job”

As a weltwärts volunteer, the blind Lara Reiser is currently working at a school for blind and visually impaired children in Cameroon

Sexual minorities

Look through “LGBT glasses”

German development agencies could do more in support of sexual minorities

The German Chamber Network

Linking business and development policy

New Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Mozambique wants to engage private-sector companies for development goals

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