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Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Deutschlands
People with disabilities

Let everyone benefit

The social inclusion of people with disabilities serves society as a whole


Accessibility is not an expensive luxury

The needs of people with disabilities should be considered in infrastructure development from the very beginning

Marine ecology

Saving the seas

New action plan for better protection of the world’s oceans


“It is good when walls come down”

Why international youth exchange matters in all world regions

Trauma therapy

Sport in peace work

How sports can be useful for peacebuilding


Untangling ­psychological knots

How an NGO uses physical exercise to help give traumatised women in Congo new confidence


Mobilising and motivating investors

GIZ’s lab of tomorrow allows experts to develop new digital solutions for developing countries’ problems

Development agencies

Learning from other countries

International experience of digitalising the way development agencies work

Development policy

Opportunities and risks

Development policymakers need to deal with digital transformation and use new technologies themselves

German policy

Credibility test

Germany’s Federal Government needs time frame for fulfilling pledge to spend 0.7 % of GNI on aid

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.