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Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Deutschlands
Blue Action Fund

Money to safeguard seas and coastlines

BMZ and KfW establish new trust fund in support of marine conservation projects

Protecting the oceans

A call to action

Many marine areas are at imminent risk of collapse, so experts are sounding the alarm


A life for the wilderness

Portrait of the South African environmentalist and human rights activist Andrew Zaloumis


Moving forward in Mexico

With support from the GIZ, Mexico is working on mainstreaming climate and development policy

Waste management

Anything but waste

KfW Development Bank is planning to intensify its efforts for waste management and to create new concepts


Anti-migration policy

New book critically assesses EU refugee policy concerning Africa

Philanthropic foundations

“The pros outweigh the cons”

In spite of some black sheep, an insider assesses philanthropic foundations favourably

New financial tool

Protecting the world‘s oceans – with the Blue Action Fund

The Blue Action Fund ought to become an important instrument for the preservation of the oceans

Political foundations

Promoting democratic values

Germany’s political foundations are unique the world over

German ODA

Lighthouse projects

Climate action and urban development are focal areas of Indo-German cooperation

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.