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Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Deutschlands
German ODA

No progress without India

Cooperating with a strategic partner


Indispensable public sector

In spite of record ODA level, aid trends are worrisome according to ONE Campaign

Sea preservation

Preserving coral reefs and mangrove forests

In cooperation with KFW, Caribbean Biodiversity Fund supports marine conservation zones

Development Effectiveness Rating

Measuring how good a job is

DEG uses new tool for assessing employment quality and developmental impacts


Supporting SMEs in Africa

Small and medium-sized enterprises need innovative financing options – and crowdfunding is one


Development of African ­crowdfunding platforms

The development of national African crowdfunding platforms needs to be gradual

Financial sector

What is crowdfunding?

Crowdfunded projects are financed by large numbers of backers

Development studies

Don’t get distracted by administrative concerns

The academic field of development studies must react to trends like the rise of emerging markets, climate change and migration

Climate adaptation

Policy responses are needed

Senegal and Benin are implementing Nationally Determined Contributions with assistance from GIZ

Paris climate agreement

No time to rest on laurels

Two years on from the Paris climate agreement, countries now need to implement their goals

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.