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Political systems

Fighting poverty

The comparison of India with China shows that formal democracy does not necessarily lead to more development-oriented governance

Asian giants

China is ahead of India

Statistics show that Communist China has been outperforming formally democratic India for decades

Buen Vivir

The good life

The indigenous development concept of Buen Vivir aims to ensure material, social and spiritual satisfaction for all

Official development assistance

Why taxation matters

Conventional ODA has often proved counterproductive, but there are alternative approaches

Failed state

A slide into war and chaos

Afghanistan’s dire conditions of poverty, conflict and lawlessness trace their roots to the Soviet occupation that began 40 years ago

Global trends

In urgent need of development

If Africa is not to fall behind further, the continent must develop fast


False promises, questionable term

The term “development” makes false promises and perpetuates colonial dominance thinking

International relations

From “underdevelopment” to the SDGs

Why stereotyped ideas of developed and developing nations are not helpful

Collective memories

Legacy of wounds

Peace-work contributes to a healing process of collective trauma in Lebanon

Land restitution

Righting a wrong

To make amends for colonial-era crimes, Germany should fund Namibian land restitution

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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.