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Confront the past or lose the future

An inadequate reckoning with the past is standing in the way of lasting peace in the DR Congo, Rwanda and Burundi

Authoritarian rule

Fact and fiction

In the Philippines, pro-Duterte activism on social media keeps people agitated and misinformed


India’s commercial hub is a city of migrants

Masses of people who live in Mumbai’s miserable slums appreciate the city’s many opportunities

Affordable housing

Why the government’s housing policy is failing in Nairobi

Kenya is taking the wrong track by building houses for sale to the urban poor

Refugee camps

Kakuma camp has become a permanent settlement

Living conditions in Kenya’s Kakuma refugee camp are harsh and dangerous

Marginalised communities

Where Brazil's neglected people live

Favelas are a particular kind of disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Brazilian cities


Quick reforms are not in sight in Beirut

In Lebanon, the sense of optimism that was in the air a year ago is gone


Pulling the levers of power in Bolivia

With or without representation parliament, political movements have long influenced Bolivian politics

Senior citizens

A mobilising force

Older People’s Associations organise social security, financial support and political influence for older people


Protestors still call for genuine democracy in Algeria

Why the constitutional referendum did not end Algeria’s political crisis

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