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Multilateral institution

What the World Bank must do better

Leading German government official demands reforms at multilateral development bank

Artificial intelligence

Why AI is likely to reinforce common narratives

Chatbots will make formal education more, not less important

Humanitarian aid

Digital platform makes emergency assistance easier

In disasters, the civil society organisation World Vision uses the “Last Mile Mobile Solutions” system to register those in need and get them assistance

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Global governance

What is wrong with WTO and IMF?

Indonesian economist assesses recent track record of two multilateral institutions of vital importance for international development


High tech failed to make Nigeria’s presidential election transparent

Nigerian voters are frustrated because digital election tools did not deliver promised results

Environmental law

Humankind needs more stringent environmental regulations

Online courses on the UNEP website help to get a deeper understanding of international law

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Women take on environmentally destructive ‘development’ projects

The African civil-society organisation WoMin mobilises women to resist land grabbing and environmental destruction

Disaster control

How to manage global risks effectively

Due to the climate crisis, disasters happen more frequently and with greater damage. We need better communication and information to deal with them

Impact investing

SDG financing: how billions become trillions

To mobilise private funds, the business environment must be appropriate

Indigenous peoples

Fighting “green colonialism”

Environmental activist Joan Carling explains what climate justice means for indigenous peoples

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.