Development and


Authoritarian leaders

Brazil defended democracy more effectively than the US

Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro adopted similar strategies, but Brazil offered a stronger and faster response against threats to presidential election results than the United States

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Silence is not golden

Survivors from all parties to the conflict are gathering today at sites of the Bosnian War. Together, they want to send a message of justice and reconciliation in a country that is still torn apart


Land-use conflicts undermine food security in Nigeria

Climate crisis and population growth increase pressure on arable land in West Africa

Sovereign-debt crisis

“Without debt relief, Sri Lanka’s economy will keep deteriorating”

IMF policies did not solve Sri Lanka’s problems but made them worse, claims a sociologist who assesses the country’s ongoing debt crisis

Global food supply

There is enough for everyone

Almost 800 million people still suffer from chronic hunger. One widespread assumption is that when people go hungry, there is not enough to eat. But it is not that simple

Abuse of power

Fighting corruption on an international level

Corruption undermines democracies and supports autocracies. Although progress has been made in the fight against corruption, much more needs to be done

Farmers’ rights

Secure land tenure boosts resilience to global heating

Rural communties’ right to use the land they depend on deserves more attention


Pay attention to what poor communities want and need

The climate crisis is exacerbating the problems of small-scale farmers in Bangladesh, and they are the least able to adapt

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West Africa

Western governments’ double standards hurt their reputation in West Africa

Ghanaian scholar assesses the outlook for democratic governance and economic integration in the ECOWAS context


Investing in rural communities

Smallholder farmers are central to achieving food security. The UN organisation IFAD supports them with funds, access to markets and training

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