Development and


Language learning

Neglected language support in German nursery schools

In many German nursery schools, language learning is not a big focus. This particularly affects children with a history of migration


German law professor assesses possibility of war crimes in Palestine and Israel

That Hamas is breaking the law does not allow Israel to do the same, says expert on international humanitarian law

Children’s health

Vaccinations are crucial for children’s health

In the past 30 years, the mortality rate for children under five significantly dropped worldwide

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Responding to local needs through decentralisation

Implemented in 2013, Kenya’s devolution redistributed power to 47 counties, fostering local development. While achieving a better resource distribution and increased citizen participation, challenges like corruption and tribalism persist

Jewish voices

Israel deserves solidarity, Netanyahu not so much

After the cruel Hamas terrorism, prominent Jewish voices express criticism of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Childhood anthropology

How culture shapes early childhood

Cultural variations in learning and parenting persist across the globe. However, globalisation and the market economy are changing parenting patterns in all cultures

Rule of law

Mexico needs opportunities, not violence

Mexico had high expectations of the present government’s promise to curb crime and improve security. With crime rates high and prosecution rates low, confidence in the state and its institutions is now waning further

Gaza war

Israel/Palestine: “Focus on what is happening in the present”

Jewish philosopher Susan Neiman on the context of the Hamas pogrom of 7 October, Netanyahu’s government and criticising Israel

United States

Democracy in danger in the United States

US President Joe Biden has framed his foreign policy as a battle for democracy against autocracy. However, the US is struggling to uphold democratic values both at home and abroad

Labour market

Developing Malawi’s food sector

Malawi’s food processing industry has great potential but cannot keep up with demand. Cooperatives can be part of the solution

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