Development and

Elasticsearch Mini

Elasticsearch Mini

In brief

Civil society

Inadequately regulated

In both Pakistan and India, legislation fails to ensure that NGOs meet minimum standards of transparency and accountability

EU trade policy

Same rules for all

Experts demand change of course in international trade policy

Corruption Perceptions Index

Populism boosting corruption

Transparency International urges government to break vicious circle


Resolving conflicts over land and water

Peace Parks could be a model for cooperation in the Middle East and North Africa


Growing engagement

For five years now, Engagement Global has been supporting commitment to development work

Corporate Atlas 2017

Controlling our food

A small number of multinational corporations control the global food industry from the field to the supermarket shelf


Preventing violence, promoting peaceful coexistence

What civil conflict resolution can achieve

Post-conflict countries

Restoring trust in society

Essential dimensions of multi-faceted peacebuilding


Balance and fairness in daily reporting

Peace journalism is a permanent duty – including on social media


The fight against sexualised violence

Medica Afghanistan is lending support to women who have survived violence

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